accepted for the NASA ROSES 2006 call for Virtual Observatories for
Heliophysics Data (VxO), Heliophysics Division, Science Mission Directorate
(NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences
2006, NNH06ZDA001N)
Robert Candey
Dynamics Explorer (DE)
Data Services Upgrade
The Dynamics Explorer (DE)
mission from 1981 to 1991 was the first (and only) NASA mission to acquire
simultaneous data from the magnetosphere and the ionosphere-thermosphere for an
in situ study of coupling mechanisms between these two regions. The mission
produced many discoveries as shown by its large number of journal articles.
Although ending 15 years ago, the data are still in high demand on NSSDC and
SPDF's data sites. Some of the datasets are in old formats that can only be
analyzed on ancient equipment and software. Others can be read but are
difficult to learn to use and interpret. This project will recover and
transform these data into modern standard forms with extensive SPASE and other metadata
and made available through CDAWeb's FTP, web and plotting/listing services for
use with many other mission datasets. This will make DE data visible and
accessible to NASA's currently operating space science satellite missions, most
of which are already represented on CDAWeb.
Specifically, we will (1)
generate high-resolution science parameters (particle fluxes) from the DE-1
HAPI and the DE-2 LAPI telemetry-level SATM data, (2) convert the DE-2 FPI data
to CDF (currently offline on old 8mm tapes at NSSDC), and (3) promote DE-1
MAG-A and rest of the DE-2 data to CDAWeb accessibility.
John Cooper
Virtual Cosmic Ray
Observatory (ViCRO)
We propose to create the
Virtual Cosmic Ray Observatory (ViCRO) to extend planned capabilities of the
heliophysics virtual observatories with a collection of important cosmic ray
datasets with an initial focus on interplanetary solar and heliospheric science
applications. Future versions of ViCRO would eventually address
interdisciplinary applications of these data across the solar, geospace, ITM,
and heliospheric subdisciplines of heliophysics as well as related science of
astrophysics, solar system exploration, and radiation hazard aspects of human
exploration of the solar system. Key science drivers for ViCRO include
enablement of easy multi-sensor and multi-spacecraft data comparison. Recent
work from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) and Voyager spacecraft shows
the science value of intercalibrated flux and cumulative fluence spectra from multiple
sensors with contiguous energy coverage for data-driven investigation of solar
flare and coronal mass ejection events, acceleration and transport of
interplanetary particles within the inner heliosphere, cosmic ray interactions
with planetary surfaces and atmospheres, sources of anomalous cosmic ray ions
in the outer heliosphere, and solar cycle modulation of galactic cosmic rays.
We will identify key operational and legacy missions with appropriate
instruments throughout the heliosphere and geospace (e.g., L1, polar orbit)
that provide relevant datasets spanning the full range of energies, nuclear
composition, and atomic charge states per nucleon for solar, heliospheric, and
galactic cosmic ray particles. Core operational data sources include the Heliospheric
Network (HN) spacecraft. We will collaborate with HN data providers to ensure
availability through a common middleware interface to the distributed holdings
of providers and the availability of both documentation and science expertise
to support the use of data by the heliophysics and other related research
communities. Previous SPDF experience with development of intercalibrated solar
wind data sets for the widely used OMNI database will be applied to enable user
community development of intercalibrated cosmic ray data sets including full
differential flux and fluence spectra created from data of multiple
instruments. Key approaches enabling intercalibration will be to expand the
SPASE ontology to the instrument parameter level, e.g. for energy channel
counting rates, pulse heights, and calibrations, so that relevant lower level
data sets in instrument units can be identified and integrated, and to
implement on-line tools such as matrix browsers appropriate for analysis of
such data. We will collaborate with the already-developing Virtual Heliospheric
Observatory (VHO) to leverage their software and database approach and to
ensure complementarity in the datasets of special ViCRO interest with the
already defined datasets of first VHO interest. We propose to add value to
these distributed holdings through OMNIWeb-like services that will allow access
to multi-spacecraft and multi-sensor data in multiple formats. ViCRO will be
designed to enable services specifically keyed to the special properties of current
cosmic ray instruments and measurements and science effort to best establish
and document relative calibrations and caveats in data usage. The ViCRO
Partnership will be led by the Heliospheric Physics Laboratory (HPL) of NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center with Co-Investigator support from the Applied
Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, Fundamental Technologies
Inc., and the University of New Hampshire. HPL project management, heliospheric
science, and VxO data technology staff have long supported implementation and
updates of the Space Physics Data Facility, VHO, and related data systems. This
proposal is relevant to the Virtual Observatories and general Heliophysics
science programs with potential cross-disciplinary relevance to earth and
planetary science, and to radiation hazards for Exploration.
Andrew Davis
Data Services Upgrades
for the ACE Science Center
This proposal seeks funding
to upgrade the data services provided by the ACE Science Center, managed by
Andrew Davis at the Caltech Space Radiation Laboratory. The ASC is the science
data center for the Advanced Composition Explorer mission. It is the active
archive for the nine instruments aboard the ACE spacecraft, and provides ACE
Browse, Level 2 and Level 3 data to the community. The proposed upgrades will
allow the ASC to continue to provide ACE data in as useful and user-friendly a
manner as possible, by using the latest tools and technologies available, and
by integrating the ASC data service with the emerging Virtual Observatory
system. The specific upgrades proposed include:
- Metadata descriptions of
all ACE Level 2 data products that will be compliant with the Space Physics
Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) data model
- An Application Programming
Interface (API) for the ASC data service that will be com-patible with emerging
VxO standards
- Enhanced data subsetting
capabilities for the ASC data service
- Improved online data
plotting for the ASC data service
The ASC also hosts the
Resident Archive (RA) for the SAMPEX mission. A major factor in the decision to
host the SAMPEX RA at the ASC was to take advantage of existing ASC services
and expertise. The SAMPEX RA would automatically benefit from the data services
upgrades that would be implemented under this proposal, as would any other
datasets served from the ASC in the future (data from the Low Energy Telescope
on STEREO, for example).
Brian Dennis
VxO for Heliophysics Data
- Extending the Virtual Solar Observatory to Incorporate Data Analysis Capabilities
The goal of this proposal
effort is to enhance the scientific utility of the Virtual Solar Observatory
(VSO) by providing desktop software tools. Presently, the VSO provides a
Web-based utility for finding data sets using metadata search parameters. The result of the search is a set of
links for downloading the data files.
In order to use the downloaded files, the user must have knowledge about
each specific data set and the software needed to read, correct, display, and
compare the data.
We propose to provide
desktop tools that merge the existing search and retrieval architecture behind
the current Web interface to the VSO with analysis and display modules that
will facilitate comparing data from different instruments and from theoretical
predictions. These tools will be
based on modules that we have already developed for the joint analysis of solar
This proposal is of direct
relevance to achieving NASA's strategic objective to "understand the Sun
and its effects on Earth and the solar system." The resulting capabilities
of the effort will allow scientists to find and use VSO data more easily and
efficiently without worrying about the detailed technical aspects of the
individual instruments.
Specifically we will:
- Provide simple application
programmer interfaces (APIs) that integrate the existing VSO search and
retrieval architecture with corresponding generic analysis and display
modules and instrument-specific
data analysis tools;
- Update and expand our
analysis and display tools for comparing and jointly analyzing light curves,
images, and spectra from different instruments;
- Build interconnected tools
to display the availability of VSO data sets in space, time, and energy
(wavelength) that will allow scientists to more easily select observations of
- Provide both a
command-line interface and a user-friendly graphical user interface to the
desktop tools for optimum user flexibility;
- Support the development of
GDL (GNU Data Language - a freeware open-source alternative to IDL) to provide
a free alternative to IDL for running not only our new desk-top tools, but also
the core data handling routines of the SolarSoftWare (SSW) library.
Chakravarthy Deverapalli
Data Services Upgrades:
UVI auroral data access to VxO's
U. of Alabama, Huntsville
We propose to increase
access to UVI data by providing browse keograms to the existing GAIA auroral
VxO and by upgrading the UVI data server to enable web access to its search and
data delivery functions.
Specifically, we propose to 1)
generate and deliver a collection of browse keograms meeting GAIA
requested specifications for the entire ten-year UVI data collection, 2) add a
custom keogram generation tool to the existing UVI data server, and 3) implement
a web services architecture for the UVI data server to enable
machine-to-machine interaction access to the server functions. The proposed work will enable users to
simultaneously browse ground- and space based auroral images via GAIA. More importantly, it represents a
critical first step to enable inclusion of the full UVI data set in existing or
planned virtual observatories.
Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy
Data Services
Upgrades: A Catalog of Halo CMEs
from SOHO
primary scientific objective of this proposal is to identify the solar sources
of the halo CMEs detected by the SOHO mission and estimate their space speeds
and compile the information in an on-line catalog. This effort will exploit the
availability of inner coronal data from several NASA spacecraft such as SOHO,
Yohkoh, RHESSI, and TRACE to identify the source regions. The data base will be
useful for scientific users involved in Heliophysics research, thereby enabling
enhanced scientific return from NASAÕs missions. The key aspect of this effort
is to provide halo CME source information for easy access across the internet
so that candidate geoeffective CMEs can be readily identified. The proposed work enhances the existing
data services at the CDAW Data Center, which participates in the Virtual Solar
Glenn Mason
Data Services Upgrade to
ensure continued flow of data from the Ultra Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer
(ULEIS) instrument on ACE to the ACE Science Center and the VHO
This proposal seeks funding
to upgrade data services for the ACE Ultra-Low Energy Isotope Spectrometer
(ULEIS) generation of Level-1 and Level-2 data. This data is provided by the ULEIS science team at the
JHU/Applied Physics Laboratory to the ACE Science Center where it is available
on-line to the broader scientific community, and will be further linked to the
Virtual Heliospheric Observatory.
The equipment used for this processing is a DEC Alphastation pur-chased
in 1997. DEC equipment is becoming
increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain, with institutions like APL
having dropped site licenses and umbrella maintenance contracts. A failure of this system could
jeopardize the science processing of ULEIS for an extended period. We propose to move the ULEIS processing
to an up-to-date system, which will require modify-ing existing software for
the basic data processing. By
doing this while the existing Alphastation system still operational, and while
ULEIS data is being actively analyzed, it will be possible to better ensure
that the new data product is accurate and thoroughly tested.
Natalia Papitashvili
Data Services Upgrades
for Heliospheric Data Resident at GSFC/SPDF
Perot Systems
We propose to facilitate
access to the heliospheric data holdings of the GSFC/SPDF now accessible via
FTP and/or via several independent value-added interfaces (OMNIWeb, COHOWeb,
FTPBrowser) by the development of a single integrating interface. The emphasis
will be on data uniquely accessible from SPDF including value-added products
such as the new High Resolution OMNI and related spacecraft-specific data
products, the traditional hourly OMNI data product, other NSSDC-created
value-added data products (as those in COHOWeb), and other still important data
provided to SPDF or NSSDC over the years and not readily accessible elsewhere.
This will benefit researchers seeking heliospheric magnetic field, plasma and
energetic particle data directly from SPDF and through VxO's, especially the
Virtual Heliospheric Observatory and the Virtual Magnetospheric Observatories.
To further facilitate access by and through the VxO's, we will develop
SPASE-compliant descriptors at the physical parameter level for the data sets
accessible through this new interface. As resources permit, we will extend
SPDF-standard functionalities to some data sets not now enjoying them and will
make certain upgrades to the widely used OMNI data product.
Larry Paxton
Data Services Upgrades:
Augmenting TIMED/GUVI Data with DMSP SSUSI Data
We propose to significantly
upgrade and expand the data services for the Global Ultraviolet Imaging
Database located at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
( The major task we will undertake is to integrate data
from the Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager (SSUSI) instruments
flying on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Block 5D3 F16 and
F17 satellites with the GUVI data services. These SSUSI data are not otherwise
available. In addition we will make improvements to the existing data products,
and providing support for delivering products through the Virtual
Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere Observatory (VITMO). As a part of the
proposal we will also upgrade of the existing web service for easy data access,
data visualizations, and science analysis of these new and improved data
products. The standardized data format and metadata supplied will also allow
the data to be accessible from other VxOs for Heliophysics data.
The major advantage of including the SSUSI data is that two
are currently in orbit and operating at fixed local solar times of 8PM/8AM and
6AM/6PM. With three nearly identical instruments we will see a greatly enhanced
science return.
GUVI has demonstrated the
value of low Earth orbit imaging of the thermosphere and ionosphere. There are
two principal limitations of the TIMED platform: 1) the auroral revisit time is
97 minutes 2) the local solar time of the ascending node varies by 24 hours in
120 days. Increasing the number of imagers in low Earth orbit decreases the
revisit time for auroral imagery and improves the estimation of the total
hemispheric power. Since the observations are confined to a single local time
with just GUVI, removing the spatial and temporal ambiguity inherent in
observations of the thermospheric and ionospheric signatures is difficult.
Adding two other local times will increase our ability to determine the
specification of the ionospheric and thermospheric state. The SSUSI on F16 is
ideally situated for studying the origin of ionospheric irregularities as its
orbit plane corresponds exactly with the local time at which these bubbles are
most prevalent (i.e. 8PM). The earlier orbit of F17 (6PM) means that we can
study the role of seasonal illumination changes from one hemisphere to the
other on the production and growth of these irregularities.
DAYSIDE - O/N2; limb neutral
density profiles; exospheric temperature
AURORA - Imagery; Boundary;
Flux, Energy, and Hall and Pedersen Conductance
NIGHT - Imagery of arcs and
bubbles; Electron density profile
Alysha Reinard
VxO for Heliophysics
data: Integration of event lists for ICMEs and associated phenomena
U. of Colorado, Boulder
The scientific objective of this
proposal is to bring together the often disparate lists of ICME boundaries and
of CME-related quantities in the heliosphere and at the Sun. The boundaries of ICMEs are determined
through various methods and often a single event can have several identified
boundaries, indicating complexity within the event that must be investigated
more fully to achieve a detailed understanding of the dynamic properties of
these events. In addition, to
fully understand the origin and expansion of CME ejecta and the geoeffectiveness
of ICMEs it is necessary to understand the nature of and relationship between
CME related quantities in the heliosphere (such as shocks and composition
enhancements) and at the Sun (such as flares and dimmings). Studies of these quantities will
benefit from a comprehensive list of CME/ICME related parameters. Therefore, we propose to compile a full
list of known CME related events under the auspices of the Virtual Heliospheric
Observatory (VHO).
This project will draw
together event lists from the literature and the internet, including ICME and
magnetic cloud boundaries, ICME/CME associations, and CME-related
phenomena. In addition, several
signatures that are not commonly available will be systematically generated,
including temperature depressions, composition enhancements, and shock
parameters. Each of these event
lists will be available within the event lists search tab of the VHO. Within the proposed interface, the user
will select search dates and event lists of interest. The interface will return one or several event lists and the
option to go to the standard VHO data interface with the time ranges and some
appropriate parameters already selected.
Each item returned will include a reference and a short description of
the method used, including historical context and comparison with similar
techniques. These event lists will
be delivered to the VHO in SPASE/VHO compliant metadata format. Algorithms used to generate additional
signatures will be delivered as IDL code.
This work is expected to
greatly benefit the scientific community by collecting several aspects of
ICME-related information within a single searchable interface imbedded within
the Virtual Heliospheric Observatory.
A comprehensive list of ICME and magnetic cloud boundaries will
facilitate in-depth comparisons between the different methods used for boundary
selection and has the potential to improve the determination of these
boundaries, as well as shed light on the heliospheric processes which give rise
to complex ICME boundaries. A
comprehensive list of CME-related solar quantities, including associated
flares, erupting filaments, dimmings and waves, will be equally beneficial,
particularly when they can be related to eventual ICME observations. This project will facilitate in the
understanding and prediction of CME dynamics, including detailed aspects of CME
initiation, propagation, and expansion.
Aaron Ridley
Integrating VxOs for
Heliophysic Data with Model Repositories
U. of Michigan
We Propose to develop a
Virtual Model Repository (VMR) that will focus on providing modeling results to
the community similar to other Virtual Observatories (VxOs). We will address
issues of: (1) the Space Physics Archive Search and Extrace (SPASE) ÒlanguageÓ
that is used to communicate within VxOs with respect to incorporating modeling
results (e.g., grids, versions of code, input parameters); (2) handling
extremely large files (subsampling methods); (3) searching for both realistic
and ideal model runs tied to data; (4) caching methods for rapid model result
reuse at the VMR; and (5) contextual and comparative visualization of data
within model results. We will work with model repositories located at the
Community Coordinated Modeling Center, the University of Michigan, and the
National Geophysical Data Center to start. In addition, we will support dynamic
running of models from NASAÕs ModelWeb site. Metadata will be produced at each
of the first three sites to become fully SPASE compliant, so other VxOs can
also seamlessly download model results, while access methods will be created at
the VMR for the ModelWeb site, so it appears as if data files exist, when they
are actually dynamically created. We will fully support models of the corona,
heliosphere, magnetosphere, inner magnetosphere and radiation belts,
ionospheric electrodynamics, and ionosphere and/or thermosphere. Because of the
complex nature of the modeling results, we will offer visualization services.
These will be in the form of: (1) modeling results alone; (2) satellite
locations within the context of the modeling results; and (3) direct
comparisons between modeling results and data. All data will be automatically
downloaded from other VxOs when data-model visualization are made.
Wilbert Skinner
Data Services Upgrade:
HRDI MLT temperature, volume emission rate, and ozone
U. of Michigan
This proposal seeks funds to
process the High Resolution Doppler Imager (HRDI) data collected from late 1999
until March 2005 and retrieve temperature, volume emission rate, and ozone
profiles in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. HRDI was an instrument on the Upper Atmosphere Research
Satellite (UARS) and operated from late
1991 until early 2005. Spacecraft anomalies that occurred
starting in late 1999 have to this point prevented reduction of the data from
the last five years of the mission.
These are now well understood and the data can be processed. The temperature and ozone data
complement other data sets such as SABER data on TIMED. Combining UARS and TIMED data provide a
data record more than 15 years long, with a three year overlap that is well
suited for inter-comparison.
The data will be converted
to NetCDF format and made available to the scientific community either directly
through the HRDI web site
or through a virtual observatory such as the Virtual
Ionosphere-Mesosphere-Thermosphere Observatory (VITMO).
Jon Vandegriff
Unified Data Access
Services for Virtual Observatories
We propose to tackle one of
the hardest remaining problems in heliophysical data integration: unified
access to data content. Existing virtual observatories (VxOs) are expected to
make great strides towards the discovery of distributed data by offering a
uniform way to find diverse data. Our proposed mechanism takes data unification
to the next level by providing a way to uniformly access the content within the
diverse, distributed data files discovered by a VxO query. The core of our
unification scheme involves standardized, intermediate, internal
representations for specific types of science measurements. As explained in the
proposal, these intermediate representations allow a data unification system to
be as efficient as possible while maintaining a large amount of flexibility.
Data does not need to be reformatted or served in a new way in order to be
included in the unification mechanism. The key product of our efforts will be a
unification library capable of reading all the datasets that will be served by
the VHO and the VMO. We will also include uniform access mechanisms for some of
the datasets served by the VITMO. We are working with the SPASE group to build
upon their data access standards, and we will solicit community input and
feedback from the SPASE community as well as the VxO user groups. Our
unification library will provide not only a data unification mechanism for the
named VxOs, but will be able to serve as an efficiently expandable framework
capable of providing data content unification to the entire heliophysics community.