All HDMC (and a number of related) tasks, January 2021
(Year in parentheses is when the work was initiated.)
Python Value Added Enhancements (all HDMC funded)
dbprocessing: Python Data Processing Controller Jonathan Niehof UNH
DEMs in EMToolkit Joseph Plowman SWRI
Reproducible software environment: resen in PyHC Ashton Reimer SRI International
Solar X-ray spectroscopy analysis Daniel Ryan American U
EmmPy: Magnetic Field models Grant Stephens JHU/APL
Common Python data models Jon Vandegriff JHU/APL
3-D Visualization in Python Robert Weigel GMU
CDF in Python XArray Bryan Harter U Colorado/LASP
SunPy spectropolarimetry Ricky Egeland UCAR
AFINO oscillation finder Andrew Ingles Catholic U
SunPy support Jack Ireland NASA GSFC
PlasmaPy support Nicholas Murphy SAO
ENLIL visualization Dusan Odstrcil GMU
Multi-observatory solar data Kevin Reardon AURA
NDCube data representation Daniel Ryan Catholic U
PyGemini ionosphere dynamics model Joshua Semeter BU
Ionospheric data instrument for PySat Jonathon Smith Catholic U
Python HAPI readers Jon Vandegriff JHU/APL
SkyFinder clouds/turbulence package Bifford Williams G&A Technical Software
Data Upgrades (all HDMC funded)
Ulysses HI_SCALE (web server) Carsten Denker, NJIT
CME event list (add Type 2 burst data) Nat Gopalswamy, GSFC
Geotail SW data (mag/plasma) Joe King, Perot Systems
SWRI legacy data ("VO" access) Joey Mukherjee, SWRI
Geotail and ACE (energetic particles) Jon Vandegriff, JHU/APL
LISIRD (solar irradiance) Martin Snow, Colorado
DMSP/SSUSI (add to TIMED/GUVI) Larry Paxton, JHU/APL
Polar UVI (VxO access) Chakravarthy Deverapalli, U Alabama, Huntsville
Heliospheric data at SPDF (uniform interface) Natalia Papitashvili, Perot Systems
DE data (reformat and put in CDAWeb) Robert Candey, GSFC
ASC (redo data access) Andrew Davis, Caltech
ICMEs (event lists) Alysha Reinard, Colorado
Halo CMEs (SOHO event catalogue) Nat Gopalswamy, GSFC
ACE ULEIS (data center upgrade/VHO) Glenn Mason, JHU/APL
UARS/HRDI (data upgrade and access) Wilbert Skinner, U Michigan
SOLIS/SVM (digitize Stokes profile data) Carl Henney, NSO
Wind 3DP & MFI (combine with STEREO) Stuart Bale, UCB
Imagining Vector Magnetograph (digitizing, access) KD Leka, Northwest Research
ISEE 1,2 (upgrade and CDAWeb access) Timothy Eastman, Perot Systems (?)
Polar UVI-OST (data portal) Glynn Germany, U. Alabama, Huntsville
DE-1/Plasma Wave Umran Inan, Stanford
FAST (all) Robert Strangeway, UCLA
WIND/SWE (Distribution functions) Justin Kasper, SAO
SUSIM Irradiance Linton Floyd, Interferometrics, Inc.
Skylab UV Spectral Data Jeff Morril, NRL
SMM/GRS James Ryan, UNH
UARS (WINDII) Robert Stockwell, Northwest Research
IMAGE (FUV, O/N2) Yongliang Zhang, JHU/APL
Neutral Atom Images (Inversions) Jorg-Micha Jahn, SWRI
RAIDS (lower Thermosphere products) Scott Budzien, NRL
GPS Ionospheric Irregularities Xiaoqing Pi, JPL
RHESSI science-ready images Richard Schwartz, Catholic U.
UARS/HRDI and TIMED/TIDI unification Wilbert Skinner, U. Michigan
AMPTE and ISEE energetic particle data to CDF Jon Vandegriff, JHU/APL
MDI Active Region Patches Michael Turmon, CalTech
CAMMICE/MICS upgrade Jonathan Niehof, LANL
STEREO-B SECCHI imagery Craig DeForest, SWRI
ISEE-1 Wave Data Jolene Pickett, U. Iowa
SHIMMER Neutral Winds David Siskind, NRL
DE2-FPI and DE2-WATS Neutral Thermospheric Winds Rick Niciejewski, U. Michigan
C/NOFS VEFI data Robert Pfaff, GSFC
Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array Donald Hampton, U. Alaska
TWINS-ES data services Timothy Guild, Aerospace
DMSP SSIES-1 William Coley, UT Dallas
ISIS-2 during storms James Eccles, Space Environment Corporation
TWINS-ES/HiLET Timothy Guild, Aerospace
POES/MetOp particle data Stuart Huston, Atmos. & Env. Research
SOHO/MDI flux emergence events Derek Lamb, SWRI
ISIS-1 Yongli Wang, UMBC
OGO-5, Explorer 33-35, 41, 43 Mag James Weygand, UCLA
Spherical Elementary Current System Archive James Weygand, UCLA
Plasmaspheric Density based on Field Line Resonances Peter Chi, UCLA
AtMoCIAD: Atomic and Molecular Cross Sections Guillaume Gronoff NASA Langley
TWINS-ES/SCM data upgrade and archiving Timothy Guild, Aerospace
GIMA Magnetometer array data collection upgrade Donald Hampton, Geophysical Institute
Sunspot Magnetic Tilt Angles Jing Li, UCLA
GOES EUV Irradiance long term dataset Janet Machol, NOAA
Ulysses HISCALE PHA Data James Patterson, Fundamental Technologies
Sunspot field strengths Alexei Pevtsov, NSO
Yohkoh/GOES XRS flux combined archive Aki Tekeda, Montana State
Nitric Oxide radiance from TIMED/GUVI Yongliang Zhang, JHU/APL
ISIS-1 topside ionograms Shing Fung, NASA/GSFC
IMAGE EUV data from UDF to CDF Dennis Gallagher, NASA/MSFC
Subsurface Helicity in Active Regions Rudolf Komm, AURA
Mees CCD H-alpha Imaging spectroscopy database KD Leka, NorthWest Research
Stormtime Plasmapause locations from IMAGE EUV Michael Liemohn, U Michigan
Full-disk BBSO H-alpha data improvements Chang Liu, NJIT
Cluster/CODIF ion composition background-corrected dataset Christopher Mouikis, UNH
Spherical Elementary Current System for M-I coupling James Weygand, UCLA
Van Allen Probes 1-20MeV protons Seth Claudepierre, Aerospace
ISIS-II polar cap storm time data James Eccles, Space Environment Corp.
IMAGE HENA Ring Current distributions Syau-Yun Hsieh, JHU/APL
TWINS-ENA Ion temperatures Roxanne Katus, E. Michigan Univ.
Solar Meridional Flux dataset Rudolf Komm, AURA
Voyager LECP Count rates Jerry Manweiler, Fundamental Technologies
SDO/MDI Doppler data recalibration Philip Scherrer, Stanford University
Preservation of early full-disk magnetograms from MWO, Alexei Pevtsov . AURA
Cross calibration of solar instruments for coalignment, Keiji Yoshimura Montana State
HMI Data Corrected for Stray Light, Aimee Norton, Stanford
Floyd, SUSIM UARS Data and Metadata Enhancements, Linton Floyd, SSRC
Release of CLASP data, Christian Bethge, USRA
Deep solar meridional flow using time-distance technique, Shukirjon Kholikov , AURA
Salem, HELIOS 1 & 2 Solar Wind Plasma data, Chadi Salem, UCB
TIMED/GUVI: Net radiance of N emission at 149.3 nm, Yongiang Zhang, JHU/APL
SDO/MDI Subsurface flows from big rings, Rudolf Komm, AURA
Distributions and moments from Polar TIDE, Barbara Giles, NASA/GSFC
Data Products for FAST TEAMS, Lynn Kistler, UNH
MDI Subsurface meridional flows, Sushanta Tripathy, USRA
BARREL Electron Precipitation, Leslie Woodger, Dartmouth
Value-Added Services (all HDMC funded)
VSO extensions (generalizing RHESSI analysis) Brian Dennis, NASA/GSFC
Unified Data Access ("MIDL/DataShop") Jon Vandegriff,, JHU/APL
HELM (Event list manager) Robert Candey, GSFC
Visual VSO (Google-like) Jack Ireland, ADNET (GSFC)
ENA inversions (algorithm for general use) Jorg-Micha Jahn, SWRI
MANGO (magnetogram analysis) Lee Bargatze, UCLA
VO Downloader and HelioLib –Jon Vandegriff , JU/APL
Data Mining (startup) Homa Karimabadi , SciberQuest
Conjunction Locator Service Danny Morrison, JHU/APL
Data Mining Homa Karimabadi, SciberQuest
Data Access API and Related Services Robert Weigel, GMU
HelioViewer front-end to VSO Jack Ireland, ADNET
Advanced Data Based Queries Tom Narock, ADNET
Magnetic Conjunction Mapping from the ITM to Magnetosphere Elsayed Talaat, JHU/APL
(SDAC funding; 2004)
VSO (Solar) Joseph Gurman, GSFC; Frank Hill, NSO
(HDMC funding)
VHO (Heliosphere) Adam Szabo, GSFC
VMO-G (Magnetosphere) Jan Merka, UMBC/GSFC
VOM-U (Magnetosphere) Ramond Walker, UCLA
ViRBO (Radiation Belts) Robert Weigel, GMU
VITMO (ITM region) Daniel Morrison, JHU/APL
VEPO (Energetic Particles) John Cooper, GSFC
VWO (Waves) Shing Fung, GSFC
VMR (Models) Aaron Ridley, Michigan
(Related, but not technically a VxO; now SPDF funded; started 2004 as NRA grant)
VSPO (HP "active inventory", now HDP: “HP Data Portal”) Aaron Roberts, GSFC
(Related nonNASA projects)
VSTO (CEDAR + solar for now) Peter Fox, RPI
GAIA (Ground-based images, etc.) Eric Dononvan, Calgary, Canada
HELIO (Successor to EGSO) (Solar and other) Robert Bentley, MSSL, UK
[Now part of an EU VO: “VESPA”]
RAs (all HDMC funded; no longer offered as part of HPDE)
Polar (Mag, Electric Field, Waves) Peter Chi, UCLA
SNOE/POLAR (all SNOE; POLAR TIMAS) Christopher Pankratz, Colorado
Polar (TIDE, UVI) Paul Craven, MSFC
TRACE (All) Carel Schrijver, Stanford
SOHO (MDI) Philip Scherrer, Stanford
Yohkoh (All) Aki Takeda, Montana State
IMAGE/RPI Bodo Reinish/Ivan Galkin, UMass
FAST (all) James McFadden, UCLA
Ulysses (HiSCALE) Tom Armstrong, Fundamental Technologies
Polar (HYDRA) Jack Scudder, U. Iowa
SOHO (MDI) Rick Bogart, Stanford
Imaging Vector Magnetograph (Mees Solar Observatory) K. D. Leka, Northwest Research
Geotail (EPIC) Stu Nyland, APL