Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA's Heliophysics Data Environment:
"Creaders" for accessing CDAWeb Directly from IDL |
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The "creaders" below are IDL programs to be used with the routine "cdaweb_get_bin" to bring data directly into IDL from CDAWeb. They may be used independently or as part of larger IDL codes. We will make continual additions to this list, and anyone with creaders they find useful is welcome to contribute to the list.
Data from the Inner Heliosphere
Data from the remote Heliosphere near 1 Au
- cread_stereo_swimf.pro; Loads 1 hr binned STEREO A&B vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, and position in HGI.
Data at or near L1
- cread_ace_1hr.pro; Load 1 hr binned ACE vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, He++/H+ ratio, various isotope ratios.
- cread_ace_64s.pro; Loads 64 sec binned ACE vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, He++/H+ ratio.
- cread_wind_3s.pro; Loads 3 sec binned WIND vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, and He++ density, temperature, velocity.
- cread_wind_92s.pro; Loads 3 sec binned WIND vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, and He++ density, temperature, velocity.
- cread_wind_mfi_hires.pro; Loads 1s binned WIND magnetometer data. Note the cdf time resolution of the magnetometer data is ~0.1 sec.
- cread_wind_mfi_overview_hires.pro; Loads 1s binned WIND magnetometer data and generates an overview plot. Note the Cotoye's IDL library must be installed (http://www.idlcoyote.com/code_tips/installcoyote.php).
- cread_wind_overview_3s.pro; Loads 10 sec binned WIND vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, and He++ density, temperature, velocity and generates an overview plot. Note the Cotoye's IDL library must be installed (http://www.idlcoyote.com/code_tips/installcoyote.php)
Data from the Outer Heliosphere
- cread_uly_mag_1sec.pro; Loads 1s binned ULYSSES magnetometer data and 1 hour resolution Heliocentric position ephemeris.
- cread_uly_plasmag_8min.pro; Load 480s binned ULYSSES magnetometer and solar wind density and velocity data. Note the cdf time resolution of the magnetometer data is ~60 sec, and the plasma data is ~240 sec.
Data from the Magnetosphere
- cread_polar_3sets.pro; Loads 120s binned POLAR TIMAS H+, O+ energy spectra, for 3 pitch angle bins, PWI Plasma wave electric and magnetic field dynamic spectra, vector magnetic field measurements. Note the cdf time resolution of the magnetometer, ion spectra, and plasma wave datasets are ~ 55 s, ~12 s, and ~300 respectively.
- cread_isee1_mag_4sec.pro; Loads both ISEE1 4sec (Note: coordinates are very close to GSE in the 4s dataset) and 60 s datasets in GSE, if iplot=1 in code a plot is created that overlays the 60s and 4s data.
- cread_rbsp_efw_mag.pro; Load RBSP hi resolution EFW electric field data (32 samples/s) X & Y in MGSE coordinates, and load hi resolution magnetometer data (64 samples/s) in GSE coordinates. Place measurements in common uniformly spaced time bins.
- cread_themis_mag.pro; Loads spin resolution magnetometer data from all THEMIS spacecraft in GSE along with position, if iplot =1 the mag data from all spacecraft are plotted red-Bxgse, green-Bygse, blue-Bzgse, black-magniutde
- cread_cluster_spin_res_mag.pro; Loads spin resolution magnetometer data from all CLUSTER spacecraft in GSE along with position, if iplot =1 the field from all spacecraft are plotted red-Bxgse, green-Bygse, blue-Bzgse, black-magniutde
- cread_polar_3sets.pro; This combines the low time resolution dynamic spectra from the PWI receivers with 120s binned POLAR TIMAS H+, O+ energy spectra, for 3 pitch angle bins, PWI Plasma wave electric and magnetic field dynamic spectra, vector magnetic field measurements. Note the cdf time resolution of the magnetometer and ion spectra datasets are ~ 55 s, ~24 s respectively. The cdf time resolution of the four PWI receivers ares 33 s, 16.5 s, 6.0 s, and 2.35 s respectively.
- cread_polar_pwi_hires.pro; This combines the hi-resolution dynamic spectra from the 4 PWI receivers with different cadences, into one dynamic spectra with one time cadence. Loads 120s binned POLAR TIMAS H+, O+ energy spectra, for 3 pitch angle bins, PWI Plasma wave electric and magnetic field dynamic spectra, vector magnetic field measurements. Note the cdf time resolution of the magnetometer and ion spectra datasets are ~ 55 s, ~24 s respectively. The cdf time resolution of the four PWI receivers ares 33 s, 16.5 s, 6.0 s, and 2.35 s respectively.
- cread_rbsp_efw_mag.pro; Load RBSP hi resolution EFW electric field data (32 samples/s) X & Y in MGSE coordinates, and load hi resolution magnetometer data (64 samples/s) in GSE coordinates. Place measurements in common uniformly spaced time bins, if iplot =1 a time series of all 5 measurements are plotted.
- cread_rbsp_emfisis_hope.pro; Loads 120s binned RBSP A or B HOPE H+,He+, O+ and electron energy spectra 72 bins, for 11 pitch angle bins, PWI Plasma wave electric and magnetic field dynamic spectra, vector magnetic field measurements. Note the cdf time resolution of the magnetometer, ion spectra, and plasma wave datasets are ~ 4 s, ~24 s, and ~6 respectively.
- demo_ace_2sets.pro; Plots 1 hr binned ACE vector magnetic field, proton density, temperature, velocity, He++/H+ ratio, various isotope ratios.
- demo_polar_3_hires_sets.pro; Plots 60s binned POLAR spacecraft TIMAS H+, PWI Plasma wave (up to 2.4 s res.) electric dynamic spectra, vector magnetic field measurements with IGRF field subtracted.
- demo_polar_3sets.pro; Plots 120s binned POLAR spacecraft TIMAS H+, PWI Plasma wave (5 minute res.) electric dynamic spectra, vector magnetic field measurements with IGRF field subtracted.
- demo_of_autobad_with_Ulysses_Swoops.pro; Example of using the autobad spike filter using Ulysses Swoops data.
- demo_omni5min.pro; 5 minute binned OMNI solar wind speed, proton density, IMF Bz, SYM-H, ASYM-A, and AE are plotted.
- demo_omni.pro; 1 hour binned OMNI solar wind speed, proton density, IMF Bz,Kp, Dst, and AE are plotted.
- demo_rbsp.pro; Plots 60s binned RBSP A or B EMFISIS electric field power spectral density, HOPE proton, O+, and electron omni directional differential flux, this is an interactive demo where the user can select a point on the time series plot with their cursor, and electric field and particle spectra, and pitch angle phase space density plots are plotted at the selected time.
- demo_stereoab_omni_swimf.pro; Plots overlaid 1 hr binned Stere A (red) & B (blue) and Omni (black) data, proton density, proton speed, IMF radial components, and IMF magnitude.
- demo_isee1_mag_4sec.pro; Loads both ISEE1 4sec (Note: coordinates are very close to GSE in the 4s dataset) and 60 s datasets in GSE, if iplot=1 in code a plot is created that overlays the 60s and 4s data.
- demo_cluster_spin_res_mag.pro; Loads spin resolution magnetometer data from all CLUSTER spacecraft in GSE along with position, if iplot =1 the field from all spacecraft are plotted red-Bxgse, green-Bygse, blue-Bzgse, black-magniutde
- demo_themis_mag.pro; Loads spin resolution magnetometer data from all THEMIS spacecraft in GSE along with position, if iplot =1 the mag data from all spacecraft are plotted red-Bxgse, green-Bygse, blue-Bzgse, black-magniutde
- tdas_ace_2sets.pro; Examples where the data is loaded into TDAS. Note the TDAS software package (http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/software.shtml) must be installed.'
Responsible NASA official: Dr.
Aaron Roberts
E-mail: aaron.roberts@nasa.gov
Webmaster: Tami Kovalick
E-mail: tamara.j.kovalick@nasa.gov
Last revised 20 February 2015